Rules & Regulations


Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help children‘s progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality, discipline and by taking interest in their work. They should check the diary of their ward and note the home work set and any other instructions given. They are advised to check their bags to see if any notice or invitation is sent.

Parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in their address. Punctuality is to be strictly observed. All students should be in the school premises by 8.30 am sharp.


School hours are, Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 2.45 pm. Children should not be brought to school before 8.00 am and should not be left after 3.00 pm during school days. This policy will by strictly enforced. These timings should be strictly followed.


Absence from class without any valid reasons is not permitted. Continuous absence for 15 working days, without valid explanation, will entail the removal of the student form the rolls.

Application for leave should be sent to the Class Teacher beforehand. In unavoidable circumstances, the parent should inform the teacher concerned over telephone. The student must bring a leave letter, signed by the Parent/Guardian, on returning to school after leave.

Application for leave exceeding five consecutive days should be supported by medical certificate in case of illness.


Icon International School maintains firm, caring discipline that is positive in nature. This involves courtesy, respect, thoughtfulness, obedience and safety. Students are expected to follow class and social rules willingly, to do assignments, maintain good study habits to the best of their ability.

At the first sign of misbehavior, a warning from the teacher is issued. At the second incident of misbehavior the parent is notified. At the third incident, the student is sent to the Principal and the parent may be called to pick up the child for temporary suspension and/or permanent expulsion.

No money collection for any purpose is to be made in the school without the prior permission of the Principal.

The students of Icon International School must observe high standards. Wherever they go they should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.


A student is subject to suspension for a number of reasons, including class disruption, cheating, lying, rudeness, disobedience, refusal to do assignments, fighting, throwing objects that could cause injury, temper tantrums, or any other improper behavior.

The parent will be called to take the child home and informed of the reasons for suspension. It is expected that the parents will take appropriate measures in support. The child will be given school materials to complete all the work missed. The parent is responsible for the completion and return of all school work.


A student will be expelled immediately for violent or dangerous behavior or action towards an adult or student of Icon International School. Expulsion will also result from:

Possession of dangerous weapons.
Extreme rudeness or flagrant disrespect or insubordination.
Disrespect to school or personal property or continuous disregard for school rules.
Profanity or vulgarity, or any other gross behavior.
Fighting, stealing, cheating.
Gross negligence of schoolwork, homework or excessive tardiness.
Disrespectful behavior of parents towards the administration or staff.

A student may by suspended or expelled from school for any of the acts described above which occurs at any time, including (but not limy ted to only) (1) while on school grounds, (2) while going to and from school, (3) during lunch period, whether on or off campus (4) during or while going to and from a school sponsored activity.

Parents will be called to attend a conference to implement expulsion. Once expelled a student may not re-enroll at Icon International School.


A student may be placed on academic or disciplinary probation. Failure to show improvement in the area for which probation was assigned may result in the student being dismissed from Icon International School. Grounds for probation include but are not limited to the following.
Disrespectful behavior towards students or adults.
Excessive Tardiness.
Failure to follow Dress Code.
After school Detention.
Students in 4th through 8th grades who refuse to follow school rules will be sent to After school Detention for a maximum of forty minutes, if after attending After school Detention, the student ‘s behavior does not improve, the student will be suspended or expelled from Icon International School.


Personal properties such as Skateboards, Radios, Mobile phones, Tape Recorders, Cameras, Toys, Pets etc. And Comic Books, Inappropriate Magazines, Book of Games, Chewing Gum, Knives or any dangerous objects, make – up, perfume, costume jewellery etc. are not permitted in school.
Food/Candy are not to be eaten in school premises. Students will be penalized for infraction of this rule. Parents need to be aware at all times of the items their children bring to school.


Lunch: Students should bring a healthy, nutritious lunch to school each day. Scientific research has proved that food with high sugar content is harmful to children and adults. Junk food is, therefore, discouraged and fresh fruits, pure milk and vegetables are recommended.

Hygiene: Students must bathe or shower daily. Washing and grooming the hair each day is important. To avoid cavities, teeth should be brushed and flossed frequently. Clean socks must be worn to school each day. Uniforms should be clean and appropriately pressed.